Privacy statementPrivacy statementPrivacy statementPrivacy statementPrivacy statementPrivacy statement

Privacy statement
Placeholder for Kunstnacht 2022 Marcel Krijgsman 042Kunstnacht 2022 Marcel Krijgsman 042

This privacy statement was last updated on 18-08-2023. We reserve the right to change our privacy policy without informing you. It is therefore wise to regularly consult our privacy statement.

Web­site Kunstnacht

Kunstnacht Nijmegen respects the privacy of our friends and donors, (potential) customers, relations, employees, applicants and all those who visit our websites. Stichting Kunstnacht takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification of this data. Stichting Kunstnacht complies in all cases with applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation. This means that we at least:


Kunstnacht Nijmegen processes your personal data on the basis of (one or more of) the following principles:

Pur­pose of pro­cess­ing per­son­al data

Kunstnacht Nijmegen processes personal data for (one or more of) the following purposes:

Reten­tion of per­son­al data

Kunstnacht Nijmegen does not store your personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is processed, taking into account the legal (storage) periods.

Shar­ing per­son­al data with third parties

Kunstnacht Nijmegen does not sell your information to third parties and will only provide it if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement or to comply with a legal obligation.

Cook­ies, or sim­i­lar techniques

Kunstnacht Nijmegen uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies/pixels. You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies.

Newslet­ter sys­tem, oth­er mail­ings, reser­va­tion sys­tems and app.

Kunstnacht Nijmegen sends newsletters via the Mailchip newsletter system.

Mailchimp has the option to unsubscribe from the newsletters. If you use this, you will no longer receive newsletters.

For the sale of tickets we work with the Eventbrite system. Eventbrite has its own privacy policy.

View, mod­i­fy or delete data

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data.

In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Kunstnacht Nijmegen and you have the right to transfer your data. This means that you can submit a request to us to send your personal data in a computer file to you or another organization mentioned by you.

You can send a request for inspection, correction, deletion, transfer of your personal data or request for cancellation of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to: You can also contact us if you feel that your data is not properly secured or if there are indications of abuse.

Pho­tos and footage

Photos and videos are taken at our event. By attending our event, you automatically grant Kunstnacht Nijmegen full and unlimited user rights to use and publicly share visual material.

If we have made a close-up of you that you would rather not use again in the future, you can let us know by sending an email to