Doornroosje x DTRH: Nachtfeest

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Your Kunstnacht is not complete without the Kunstnacht Nachtfeest! Sleeping Beauty and Down the Rabbit Hole join forces with Kunstnacht to turn the night into a great party. The Vasim is transformed into two of Down the Rabbit Hole's beloved dance floors: REX and The Bizarre.

The high-voltage nightclub REX gives full throttle on the shelf, with house, techno and electronica from Guus Christian , Hellie and Lysah .

The Bizarre is an all-inclusive world tour through funk, dance, hip-hop and afrotech. Get ready for a hot night with S!rene , Sim–OJ and Nala .

The festival vibe is not complete without a surprising program in the corridors, provided by Singular Art and Sewing Region .

More about the Night Party


The doors of the Vasim open at 11:45 PM. PLEASE NOTE: for entrance to the Nachtfeest you need a Nachtfeest- or Combiticket. Score your Nachtfeest ticket and have your ticket scanned upon arrival at the Vasim. Or show your wristband that you received after having your Combiticket scanned at one of the Kunstnacht locations.

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